Summary of Genesis 3

Genesis 3 Summary: Is Your Garden Snake Free?

Introduction To Summary of Genesis 3

There are some interesting things to note in this summary of Genesis 3. It contains a talking snake, a prophecy that will be fulfilled nearly 4,000 years later, and the choice of certain death over a life of pure happiness in God.

These are important events in the history of mankind. This is not a fairy tale book of make-believe stories. The Bible is an accurate, reliable history book of God’s dealings with man. Without doubt, the future course of humanity hangs on the decisions recorded in this historical account.  

Snakes have a reputation for being frightful creatures and are often paired with traits like deception, trickery, and evil. The third chapter of Genesis is where this enmity, or deep-seated dislike, comes from (Genesis 3:15). 

The Deadly Decision

This day is much like all the others. Adam and Eve find themselves wandering through the garden. Today, however, a walking, talking snake approaches them.

If you find it strange that they do not seem perplexed over this, you are in good company!

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We can not know for certain exactly how the snake was able to communicate with them, but we know that it did happen in some way. We also know that the motives behind this communication were far from pure. 

While the Genesis account does not blatantly tell us that the serpent was, in fact, Satan, other sources do bring us to that conclusion. Ezekiel 28:13 says that Satan was in the garden. Revelation 12:9 calls Satan an “old serpent” and a “deceiver.”

He certainly is a deceiver!

He starts the conversation by questioning how much Eve knew. “Did God really say…(Genesis 3:1)?” He knew very well what God had commanded, but he intended to deceive. 

The serpent convinces Eve and her husband, Adam, that God must be keeping something from them! He assures them they will not die if they eat from the forbidden tree.

The snake is one of the few animals that can incite fear, anxiety, and panic by the mere mention of its name. You may prefer not to run into a feral dog in a dark alley at night, but there is something about human nature that may cause us to choose a dog over a snake.

Together, they take the fruit and eat it in direct opposition to God’s command (Genesis 3:6). Their eyes are opened, indeed! Suddenly, they have brought sin and rebellion into the world. 

The Consequence

The word sin, or transgression, was originally an archery term meaning: to miss the mark; to go astray. And miss the mark they did!

The intimate relationship they shared with the Creator is severed. They’ve gone astray! They’ve left the path! The way they perceive themselves changes, and now they feel shame and guilt for the first time in their lives.

Now, instead of running to God, they find themselves hiding from His presence. They have turned their backs on God’s gift of eternal life and fellowship with Him. Instead, they have chosen death.

They experience spiritual death and separation from God immediately. The world’s first couple must evacuate the Garden of Eden and lose access to the Tree of Life. Therefore, they will soon face physical death. 

Can you imagine the heartbreak that God felt at this moment? His children are experiencing fear, guilt, and shame. His own creation has refused His offer of eternal communion and chosen sin and death in its place. 

You’re not fully grasping the summary of Genesis 3 until you understand the sorrow God experiences when we choose sin over Him.

God’s Ultimate Plan

Do not believe the lie that the sin of Adam and Eve ruined God’s perfect plan.

He knew they would fail. He knew they would rebel. And He had a plan in place all along to pay for the sins of the world, and He alludes to it in 3:15.

God prophecies that, one day, Satan would strike the heel of the woman’s seed, or descendant; but the Descendant would crush his head. 

No, God’s plan is not hindered at all.

In fact, it is not God’s plan to have an innocent man who follows Him blindly. God wants something more valuable than that. Specifically, God wants a redeemed man who follows Him by choice.

The sin that was just released into the world is the very thing that God will redeem him from. What’s more, that redemption will come through the Descendant of the woman.


Even though God already knew they would rebel, their sins cannot go unpunished. As a result, God kills an animal to create clothing for them. But, as we will learn soon, this animal sacrifice provides much more than clothing.

Where there is sin, there must be a death (Romans 6:23). The man and woman are evicted from the garden and removed from the presence of God. Their lives will never be the same again. The cost of sin is high.

Adam failed his God and his wife on this day.

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There was an ungodly intruder on Adam’s property. His main responsibilities were to tend the garden and protect his wife. God explained all this in the previous chapter. This day he allowed an evil visitor to remain when he should have thrown it out.

As a result, the serpent sweet-talked his wife and convinced them both to turn their backs on God.

Do you have any ungodly visitors in your mind? Do you allow them in your home? On your television? On your phone screen?

Take the authority that God has given you and throw them out!

In summary of Genesis 3, do not allow the enemy to sweet-talk you into disobeying your Creator and severing your connection with Him!





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